Vision Statement for Greater Glory Baptist Church

At Greater Glory Baptist Church, our core purpose is to foster the growth and transformation of our members into believers who embody the virtues of Christ. We are dedicated to leading others into a saving relationship with Christ through fulfilling God's divine purpose, preaching and teaching God's Word, praising and worshipping God, and bringing non-believers to the knowledge of Christ. Our church community is founded on the biblical example of the early church in Acts 2.

Values and beliefs defining us include fulfilling God's purpose, preaching and teaching God's Word, praising and worshipping to glorify God, bringing others to Christ, and Christian education to build stronger believers. We envision impacting lives through Bible reading plans, Christian education, fun and fellowship, in-reach and out-reach programs, and a commitment to change hearts and minds.

Our unique qualities and strengths lie in our emphasis on Bible reading plans, Christian education, fun and fellowship, in-reach and out-reach programs, and the practical application of sermons through action steps, affirmations, journaling, Bible reading, devotionals, and worship. We strive to contribute to spiritual growth and transformation through curated sermon series, Bible reading plans, Christian education, fun and fellowship, and in-reach/out-reach programs.

Demonstrating love, compassion, and service to others is integral to our identity, achieved through outreach programs, drives, summer camps, service projects, and a strong online and social media presence. As we look to the future, our long-term goals include establishing new community outreach programs, offering counseling and tutoring services, and providing leadership training.

Over the next 5, 10, or 20 years, we envision evolving through increased community collaboration, connecting with colleges for ministry training, offering online Christian education courses, providing counseling services, and focusing on generational ministry. Worship plays a central role in our identity, with multiple worship moments appealing to all ages, including Bible classes, family fellowship, praise and worship services, prayer services, and Sunday worship.

To engage and support different age groups within our congregation, we offer ministries, events, outings, and functions tailored to various age groups, fostering a sense of community and belonging for all. At Greater Glory Baptist Church, we are committed to living out our vision and mission in a spirit of love, compassion, and purposeful service to God and others.