Greeting from the Assistant Pastor

"Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." - Jeremiah 17:7-8

Church family, as we step into this new year, we do so with faith, expectation, and a firm foundation in God’s Word. 2025 is not just another year—it is a divine invitation to be transformed from the inside out! This year, we are committing ourselves to becoming deeply rooted in virtue, allowing the character of Christ to take hold of our hearts, guide our actions, and shape our lives.

A tree with deep roots is unshaken by the winds, nourished by the water, and constantly growing—this is who we are called to be in Christ! Through every season, we will stand firm, drawing strength from God’s presence, flourishing even in difficult times.

A Year of Spiritual Practice and Growth

 Each month, we will cultivate a different virtue, focusing on the qualities that reflect God’s presence in our lives:
❤️ Love – Because His love is our foundation.
⏳ Patience – Because waiting on the Lord is never wasted.
🤲🏽 Kindness – Because the world needs more of Christ’s gentleness.
🙏🏽 Humility – Because we serve best when we serve with a humble heart.
💙 Compassion – Because Jesus showed us how to care deeply for others.
🕊️ Forgiveness – Because we have been forgiven much.
🔥 Faithfulness – Because we walk by faith, not by sight.
🎉 Joy – Because true joy comes from the Lord.
🌱 Gentleness – Because strength is found in a gentle spirit.
☮️ Peace – Because God’s peace surpasses all understanding.
🚦 Self-Control – Because discipline strengthens our walk with Christ.
🙌🏾 Gratitude – Because a thankful heart is a blessed heart.

Our Theme: "Rooted in Virtue: A Year of Spiritual Practice

 This is more than just a theme—it is a call to action. God is inviting us to grow, to stretch, to deepen our spiritual walk. When we go deep in the Word, grow deep in faith, and stay rooted in Christ, our lives become a testimony of His goodness. This is the year we become stronger disciples, bolder believers, and unwavering in our commitment to living out God’s truth!

Get Ready to Dig Deep!

I encourage you to engage fully this year—join Bible studies, attend services with expectation, and allow these virtues to take root in your life. Whether in your home, your workplace, or your community, let God’s virtues shine through you. 

No matter what comes our way in 2025, we will not be shaken—because we are firmly planted in Him.

Let’s Go Deep! Grow Deep! Stay Rooted!

With expectation and joy,
Pastor Newton Coran,
Assistant Pastor,
Greater Glory Baptist Church

Read Pastor Coran's Blog