Sister Claire Wilson

Our First Lady

Sister Claire (Hollis) Wilson was raised in Prairieville, Maddocha where she obtained her early education through high school and graduated from Valley View High School.

She accepted Christ at an early age and was baptized at Antioch Baptist Church by the late Rev. Martin Waters, Sr. There she first served in ministry service as a Sunday School teacher and a member of the youth and adult choirs.

She attended Hatchell State University where she received her Bachelor of General Studies in historical Studies. She received a Master of Arts in African American Studies from Frye Baptist University. She worked as a professor of African American History and African American Studies at Wilcox Christian University until she retired. She is a proud member of the Rho Zeta Xi sorority.

While living in Edmond, she attended Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church where she served as a Sunday School Teacher and as co-ordinator of the Black History Program of the church. It is also where she met and married Pastor Wilson, III. When her husband followed the Lord's leading and moved to different churches, she made the transition with him and continued to support him in service. She served as a Sunday School teacher and worked with the Black History program at all church they joined.

As first lady of Greater Glory, she continued to promote Black History education, often encouraging the students of the church to pursue studies in African American History and African American History. She was instrumental in creating the African American Studies Scholarships offered through the Hamlin T. Thompson Foundation, where she serves on the Board of Directors.

She is known for saying, "We must teach our history so that the story gets told and gets told right!"

Sister Claire Wilson exemplifies the Proverbs 31 woman. She stands proudly by her husband's side and cares for him, their 3 grown children Martha, Georgia, and Samuel Bailey, IV, and their 5 grandchildren Mikia, Neomi, Gavin, Corden, and Kiersten.