Sister Onita Spooner-Caron

Our Second Lady

Sis. Onita Spooner-Coran was boarn and raised in Akard, Maddocha where she attended school in Akard ISD, including Oak Park High School, which she graduated from.

She came to know the Lord and was baptized as a member of Cambridge Baptist Church. It was here that she discovered her love of teaching.

She attended Marshall College and Maas Stewart University where she obtained the following degrees, Associates of Arts, Bachelor of Arts: Technical Writing, Bachelor of Arts: English/English Literature, and Master of Arts: English/English Literature – Dual Concentration: English & Creative Writing. She is a member of Eta Tau Mu sorority.

She attended Hope Fellowship Baptist Church and was a Sunday School and Vacation Bible School teacher.

She is currently a professor of English at Tarverner College.

After her husband, Pastor Coran, was called to Greater Glory, she and her four children, Nabel,  Nadal, Nadeem, and Nyla followed him to serve where God has called them.

As a member and the second lady of Greater Glory, she promotes education and reading the Bible daily. She does this by being a Sunday School teacher and serving on the Bible reading Plan Committee.

She believes she is called to lead young adults, specifically college aged people to Christ.