Mission Statement for Greater Glory Baptist Church

At Greater Glory Baptist Church, our fundamental purpose is to guide our members towards transformation as devoted believers, living out the virtues of Christ. We aim to lead others into a saving relationship with Jesus. Our primary beneficiaries include church members, the local community, and the city.

Guided by core values, we are committed to fulfilling God's divine purpose, preaching and teaching His Word, and praising and worshiping Him for His glory. We strive to bring non-believers to Christ and provide Christian education to build stronger, transformed believers, following the biblical example of the early church in Acts 2.

Our church seeks to impact the local community through Bible reading plans, Christian education, fun and fellowship, and in-reach and out-reach programs. We aim to change our members' hearts, minds, practices, and discipline, equipping them to foster change, inspire, and witness to the community. We actively partner with the city and community in various initiatives.

We aim to fulfill our mission by Engaging in various activities and programs, from special events and conferences to outreach programs. These include educational programs, community partnerships, and city-wide initiatives like voter registration drives and community clean-up efforts.

Promoting spiritual growth and discipleship, our church offers curated sermon series, Bible reading plans, Christian education, and a focus on the practical application of God's Word. Fellowship and community play a crucial role, providing numerous opportunities for members to connect through events, services, and ministries.

In our approach to outreach and evangelism, we focus on community events, outreach efforts, and online platforms. Our evangelism ministry actively engages the neighborhood through Bible studies, prayer walks, nursing home ministry, and foundational faith classes.

While not the sole focus, our church encourages social responsibility through voting and awareness of local, state, and national issues. We prioritize social justice through initiatives like the Voter Registration Drive and Souls-to-the-Polls.

What distinguishes Greater Glory Baptist Church is our clear vision, unique values, and specialized ministries focusing on the whole family and individual. We strive to be culturally relevant, transparent in communication, and holistic in our approach, providing spiritual nourishment, pastoral care, community outreach, education, family support, crisis assistance, and technology-driven connection.