Core Values Statement for Greater Glory Baptist Church

At Greater Glory Baptist Church, our foundation is built on the following principles and beliefs, shaping our identity and guiding our actions:

Divine Purpose: Recognizing and living out our unique God-given purpose.
Preaching and Teaching the Word: Centering our church on the Word of God through preaching and teaching.
Word-Centered and Praise-Centered Church: Focusing on the Word and expressing our praise to God.
Proclaiming the Gospel: Sharing the transformative message of Christ's love.
Worship-Focused Church: Prioritizing meaningful and heartfelt worship.
Winning Souls for Christ: Actively seeking to lead others to faith in Jesus.
Baptism after Salvation: Emphasizing the importance of baptism following salvation.
Community Vitality: Valuing and fostering strong connections within our church community.
Individual Bible Study: Encouraging personal exploration of God's Word.
Family-Styled Worship: Creating a worship environment that embraces families.
Community Outreach: Engaging with and serving our local community.
Brotherly Love: Working together in unity and love.
Common Faith: Sharing a common faith that unites us.
Group Bible Study and Christian Education: Nurturing spiritual growth through group study and education.
Member Care: Demonstrating care and support for one another.
Service to Others: Actively seeking opportunities to serve.

In expressing and prioritizing faith in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, we focus on prayer, Bible reading, worship, fellowship, Bible study, and service. We uphold virtues like faith, love, hope, integrity, determination, humility, forgiveness, patience, kindness, joy, compassion, service, peace, self-control, generosity, and grace.

Fostering unity and love among our members involves a shared worship experience, family fellowship, diverse ministries, training, service and outreach opportunities, prayer, biblical teaching, and celebrating milestones.

Our emphasis on worship and spiritual growth includes shared experiences, teaching on spiritual disciplines, training, community events, curated resources, encouragement for personal devotion, and practical application of teaching and preaching.

Compassion and service are integral to our core values, as we prioritize selfless love, Christian ethics, fulfilling the Great Commission, holistic member care, unity building, and living out Christ's teachings daily.

Regarding leadership, we follow a biblical model, empower and equip leaders, promote inclusivity, offer discipleship and mentorship, engage with the community, and provide supportive structures and training programs.

Our commitments to integrity, honesty, and transparency involve upholding ethical standards, valuing honesty, embracing openness in decision-making, establishing accountability, learning from mistakes, and maintaining clear communication channels.

Finally, in embracing innovation and adaptability, we remain open to new ideas, utilize technology, explore outreach strategies, engage in strategic planning, encourage member feedback, allow flexibility in worship styles, adapt ministry programs, commit to continuous education, and balance tradition with innovation.

In all that we do, our core values reflect our unwavering commitment to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, striving to positively impact our members, community, and the world around us.