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From Seed to Strength: The Process of Spiritual Growth

By: Precious Allitt

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” — Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NASB)

Growth Takes Time—And That’s Okay 

Everybody wants to be strong in faith, wise in decision-making, patient under pressure, and full of peace no matter what. But let’s be real—getting there takes time. A lot of it. Spiritual growth isn’t instant—it’s a process, a journey, a whole transformation.  

Think about a tree. It starts as a tiny seed, buried in the soil, unseen and unnoticed. Over time, with the right conditions—water, sunlight, and strong roots—it grows. But it doesn’t happen overnight. That’s how our spiritual growth works too.

Too often, we get discouraged when we don’t see immediate results. We expect instant patience, instant faith, instant wisdom. But just like a seed doesn’t become an oak tree in a day, we don’t become spiritually mature in a moment. Growth takes time, consistency, and trust in the process.   

So, let’s break it down—what does spiritual growth really look like? How do virtues like love, patience, and humility take root in our lives over time? Let’s walk through the process—from seed to strength.  

1. Planting the Seed: Beginning Your Spiritual Growth Journey 

Every journey of faith starts with a seed—the moment God’s truth takes root in your heart. It could be when you first give your life to Christ, when you hear a sermon that challenges you, or when you read a verse that changes your perspective.  

💡 Virtue in Action: Love (John 13:34) and Faithfulness (1 Corinthians 4:2)

What This Looks Like in Your Life:

You desire to grow in your relationship with God.

You begin to recognize areas in your life that need change.

You feel convicted and challenged to live differently.

🌱 Encouragement: Don’t rush the process! A seed doesn’t bear fruit right away, but it’s alive, and it’s growing. Stay faithful to what God has started in you.

2. Taking Root: Developing a Foundation in Christ 

Once the seed is planted, it needs deep roots to withstand storms. This is where the real work happens—digging into God’s Word, developing discipline in prayer, and strengthening your faith.

💡 Virtue in Action: Humility (Proverbs 11:2) and Self-Control (Titus 2:11-12)

What This Looks Like in Your Life:

You develop a habit of prayer and Bible study.

You rely on God’s wisdom instead of your emotions.

You begin surrendering bad habits and replacing them with godly discipline.

🌱 Encouragement: Growth isn’t always visible at this stage, but trust that your roots are going deeper. Stay committed, even when you don’t feel the results yet.  

3. Sprouting: Seeing Early Signs of Change 

This is when you start seeing glimpses of transformation. Maybe you respond with kindness instead of anger. Maybe you notice more peace in stressful situations. Maybe you forgive faster than before.

💡 Virtue in Action: Kindness (Ephesians 4:32) and Peace (Philippians 4:7)

What This Looks Like in Your Life:

You notice growth in how you handle situations that used to frustrate you.

You feel more at peace and less controlled by emotions.

You start applying Scripture to your daily decisions.

🌱 Encouragement: Even small sprouts are signs of growth! Don’t get discouraged if you’re not “there” yet—God is working!

4. Strengthening: Facing Challenges That Build Character 

Growth isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes, God allows challenges to strengthen you. Just like trees grow stronger when they face the wind, your faith matures when it’s tested.

💡 Virtue in Action: Patience (Ephesians 4:2) and Forgiveness (Proverbs 19:11)

What This Looks Like in Your Life:

You remain patient in trials instead of giving up.

You forgive people more easily, even when it’s hard.

You find yourself trusting God more, even in uncertainty.

🌱 Encouragement: Don’t resent the challenges—God is using them to make you stronger. Every storm is shaping you into who He’s called you to be.

5. Bearing Fruit: Seeing the Evidence of Spiritual Maturity 

Over time, the virtues you’ve been cultivating begin to bear fruit. You walk in love more freely. You experience unshakable joy. You live with more gratitude. The changes you’ve been praying for? They’re finally becoming part of who you are.

💡 Virtue in Action: Joy (Psalm 16:11) and Gratitude (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

What This Looks Like in Your Life:

You see consistent evidence of spiritual growth in your actions.

You feel peace and joy, even in difficult situations.

Others recognize the change in you and are inspired by your faith.

🌱 Encouragement: The fruit is coming! Stay rooted, stay faithful, and let God continue His work in you.

Final Encouragement: Trust the Process 

Beloved, don’t get discouraged when growth feels slow. God is working in ways you can’t see. Spiritual growth isn’t about how fast you grow—it’s about staying rooted in Christ through every season.

So, whether you’re just planting the seed or beginning to see fruit, trust that God is growing you into something strong, steady, and unshakable.

Because every strong tree starts as a seed.